Turkey Healthcare Update
This article intends to provide an insight and delineate the guidelines of social insurance administrations and medical coverage accessible for residents in Turkey previously as well as during the recent Covid-19 Pandemic.
The arrangement of human services is arranged by a variety of regulations and laws in Turkey. The fundamental guideline is noted in Article 60 of the Turkish Constitution expressing that each individual is qualified for standardized savings and medical advantages. The Turkish Ministry of Health is responsible for conducting medical services in Turkey for all citizens, residents as well as foreign persons visiting country without any race, language, religion, sex, political supposition, philosophical conviction or financial and economic wellbeing discriminations.
Healthcare in Turkey consists of a mix of public and private health services. Turkey has universal healthcare under its Universal Health Insurance (Genel Sağlık Sigortası) system. Under this system, all residents registered with the Social Security Institution (SGK) can receive medical treatment free of charge in hospitals contracted to the SGK. Accordingly the following medical treatments are covered by Turkish SGK; emergencies, work accidents and vocational illnesses, childbirth, fertility treatment for women younger than 39, preventive health services (drug and alcohol abuse), infectious diseases, extraordinary events (injuries from war and natural disasters), cosmetic surgery deemed medically necessary.
Whereas Turkish Private Healthcare sector is the alternative option. Private hospitals usually have the potential of shorter waiting lists and higher quality services. Most banks and insurance companies offer health plans, and contract with certain hospitals and doctors in private healthcare sector. Turkish Private Health sector has actually gained a significant momentum within the last years and Turkey now has some of the best health facilities in whole Europe offering high quality health services.
From the beginning of Covid - 19 Pandemic, Turkish Ministry of Health has conducted the whole process with an extreme transparent system. Turkish citizens and the whole world could follow developments regarding to pandemic through the website that Ministry of Health provided.
The rapid increase of the confirmed cases in Turkey has not overburden the public healthcare system, and the preliminary case-fatality rate remained much lower compared to many other European countries. Turkey’s keeping a very good track record in Health System might be considered among numerous other advantages for choosing Turkey as a safe and beautiful place to live in & invest.
This is why we believe it is the time for obtaining a Turkish Citizenship now as a 2nd Citizenship to make sure you and your loved ones are going to get a highly sophisticated health service and proper treatment.Please contact us on [email protected] or +90 216 455 80 98, in order to get detailed information on Turkish Citizenship by Investment (TCBI) program.
COVID - 19 Situation Report by Ministry of Health