Renewable Energy in Turkey


The ever-increasing energy needs of a growing Turkish economy coupled with the environmentally damaging effects of fossil fuels has created a need for the development of renewable energy. Turkey has increased energy production from domestic sources and decreased its dependence on foreign fossil fuels. The political stage has been set to promote renewable energy as a source of fuel for economic growth in the 21st Century. Turkey's renewable energy industries have successfully been privatized in order to speed the development of clean energy alternatives. Low cost, clean, renewable energy comes from three self-sustaining natural sources; the sun, water, and the wind.

Solar Power

Presently, total licensed solar production in Turkey is capped at 600MW and one company, Turkish developer Solentegre Enerji Yatirimlari holds the country's sole license. The license was won by a bid in 2015 of approximately US$280,000. Because of Turkey's large dependence on foreign oil and natural gas, the country has a need to diversify its energy source and an increase solar cap and more bidding is expected in the near future.



Turkey has a target goal of diversifying its energy sources to include 30% renewable energy and has a firm commitment to hydropower development. Private investment in Turkey's Hydro-Electric sector is being encouraged by the deregulation and privatization of the power sector. The government has set aside $16 billion for hydro development.


Wind Power

Turkey has had an ongoing commitment to wind energy since as early as 1992 and the establishment of the Turkish Wind Energy Association. For the period 2001 to 2015 Turkey's total installed wind power capacity increased from 19 MW to 4,694 MW.

