Healthcare Services In Turkey

Healthcare services in Turkey are comprehensive and high quality. The quality of service depends on the location, and the insurance system that persons benefit from as well. Turkey is well-known with its healthcare services regarding cosmetic surgery, dentistry, and fertility treatment in the world.

In public hospitals, the language spoken by healthcare professionals is Turkish. However, there are bilingual healthcare professionals generally in private hospitals.

Healthcare Services

1) Emergency Healthcare Services: In case of accidents, injury, or unexpected health problems. The emergency telephone number in Turkey is “112”.

2) Primary Healthcare Services: Ambulatory diagnosis, treatment and vaccination services, infant, child and adolescent health services, etc. providing by Family Health Centers, Community Health Centers, Immigrant, and Voluntary Health Centers.

3) Secondary and Tertiary Healthcare Services: Health centers providing diagnosis and treatment services, inpatient treatment services, surgical operations, psychiatric services, and oral and dental health services. Public hospitals, private hospitals, oral and dental health centers, and medical centers, university and research hospitals are Secondary and Tertiary Health Centers in Turkey.

The public hospital appointments except for university hospitals and private hospitals can be made by calling the phone number “182”.

Health Insurances

Persons having private health insurance or general health insurance can benefit from health care services depending on the coverage of the insurance. Persons who are not insured have to pay for healthcare services. Having health insurance to benefit from the healthcare system is highly recommended during your visit & stay in Turkey.

There are two main healthcare insurance types in Turkish Healthcare System:

1) General health insurance

2) Private health insurance

General health insurance is the one provided by the public authority. The competent authority regarding this service is the Provincial Directorates of Social Security Institutions. A condition of one-year residence in Turkey is required to apply for general health insurance.

An application for general health insurance can be made at is Provincial Directorates of Social Security Institutions with the below-listed documents:

  • Residence permit document,
  • The original document or a copy of the letter showing the social security status of the health insurance application, which may be obtained from the social security organization or labor attaché office in the relevant foreign country.
  • Commitment (request) form

Once a person has general health insurance, their spouse and children under the age of 18, mother and father who are dependent can benefit from health services as well.

There are certain situations that need to be terminate of the General health insurance such as expiration of the residence permit, insured employment in another country, being regarded as in another coverage of general health insurance, death, or disappearance.

Insurance policies of persons having General Health Insurance abroad are invalid in Turkey. However, certain insurance policies may be valid in Turkey according to mutual social security agreements signed with 28 countries, please see countries in detail:

The other insurance type is private health insurance provided by private companies. Persons can consult with various companies that offer private health insurance policies with different coverages and prices to determine the best health insurance based on their specific demands.

Persons having private health insurance pay for physician and medication costs after their visit hospital. Expenditures are reimbursed once the invoices and prescriptions are submitted to the insurance company.
